
How To Be A Good Friend (9 Rare Qualities)

Some are good friends, some are great friends while some are just friends. When everyone is using the word “FRIEND” literally for everyone even if they just met an hour ago, it actually carries some weight. It takes so much to be a good friend.

Friends are really important. I have heard many wonderful stories about friends. And I have given it some thought, what really makes a good friend?

Here’s my opinion. Now, these might sound little but trust me, these are rare qualities yet so important. These can make or break a friendship.

1. Say “WE” often

“We will get through this”, “We are good”, “We will think about it”, “We will take care of it”, etc. It’s good to know that you are part of a team, isn’t it?

2. Make a random call

And ask “How are you doing, pal?” It feels good when someone asks if everything is alright. I see most people on calls start their conversation by asking what are you doing but I think how are you doing is a better one. And it also tells that person is interested/concerned about you. Am I right?

3.  Make sure you listen

Not many listen to what the other person is saying, they only go on rambling about their own issues. Listening to someone patiently is a very rare quality to have to be a good friend.

4. Be there when they’re down

Life is full of ups and downs. When someone is struggling with an issue, a good friend will always make time to be there. And when you are down, you will know who your real friend is. I know this from experience.

5. Be happy for their step-ups

A good friend will be genuinely concerned when you are down and genuinely happy when you succeed. Because it is as easy to get jealous as getting a friend these days. Not necessarily a good one but a friend in general. So, always make sure to show your happiness for your friend’s achievements.

6. Share and seek support

Not many people share their troubles with others thinking they might come off as weak. But if you have a good friend, you should always be able to seek their support. Not just helping your friend but you should also get help from them to show you trust them even in your private matters. It will show how much you value them as a friend.

7. Show your truest smile when you see ’em

Smile is a great way to connect with people. How you smile to some person is a way of showing how you feel about them. So, whenever you see your friend show that heartiest smile of yours and if it’s not too dramatic for you, give them a hug too.

8. Remember their special days

Remembering little details as such makes you a good friend. It will definitely up your friend-game.  Memories are very important for everyone and when someone close remembers our special events it just feels so happy.

9. Ask about their family

Ask what their siblings are doing and how their parents are, how their grandparents’ health is. My friends do and when they do that I feel really good, it feels like I’m talking to someone that knows my world really well.

There are so many great friends out there. I get a warm feeling whenever I see a bunch of friends laughing and teasing each other. But at times, some of us forget to have a friend while some forget to be a friend. Nonetheless, every one of us deserves a good friend.

This is it for today. I’ll see you soon again!


Until next time,

Lots of LOVE,


(Penname: Sarvani)


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