
7 times Copying Others is Totally Fine

We love authenticity. We aspire to be original. But we humans are wired to copy each other in some way or the other. I dare you to name someone who hasn’t copied anyone ever in their life. Impossible. We copy each other all the time. The word copying had a bad reputation so maybe I should put it this way, we learn from each other.

How often did we hear someone say don’t copy others, be yourself? But is it even possible? Unlikely. But we can always choose the right thing copy. Though it’s far more difficult than copying a bad habit/manner. Still and all we should always try to do the right thing.

You could ask, what could probably be okay to copy? I can name a few.

1. Copying others kindness 

We all have that friend who is kinder than necessary in our circles. Do you? Did you ever try to be a bit more like that friend? I know that is their essence, not yours. But it is definitely something to learn, isn’t it?

copying others

2. Copying others hardworking nature

Many of us know this very well, that if we could work a bit harder/smarter we could achieve so much. And when we see someone who goes the extra mile, instead of being jealous or teasing them we could draw inspiration.

That’s your first step to a prosperous future.

3. Copying someone’s honesty

Learn from someone who is honest. How do they do it? Being honest in difficult times is so hard yet some of us manage to do it. Ever wanted to learn what they go through and how their minds work in times of distress.

Learn it, it’s a skill.

copying others

4. Copying others loyalty in a relationship

Loyalty in any relationship is so precious. People who are loyal to their friends, family, spouse, children, are very honorable. They make it seem like nothing but it is a big deal. Every relationship has white lies and dark lies but those who stick to truth no matter what is very rare.

If you have such a person in your life hold on to them, and try to learn what they have.

copying others


5. Copying someone’s ability to love themselves

Love and self-love. I’d say these are two different things. Since we know our faults and lackings very well and we constantly compare ourselves to others it is much more difficult to love ourselves than others. But we also know what we are great at, right?

copying others

6. Copying someone’s guts to show the world their real self

It takes a lot of guts to show the world our real self. That’s why they’re are fake compliments and dishonesty. We try to put on a mask so people would like us, so we would seem ‘cool’. But it is nothing but cheating ourselves, which is like the worst cheating ever.

copying others

7. Copying others smile 

Someone smiles often and someone else smiles seldom. But we are better when we smile, and so is this world. We see and hear good when we are happy. So try to copy it whenever you see a happy, heartful smile.

We all have our quality traits and if we can get inspired by at least one positive trait in others, this world would be a much better place. So, cheers to a better world and better us.

Leave a comment and let me know what ‘good thing‘ have you learned from someone? And who is it? I’ll see you soon again.


Lots of LOVE,


Thanks for stopping by!

1 thought on “7 times Copying Others is Totally Fine

  1. Hi nikki
    త్యాగం, ప్రేమ, మంచితనం, support,honest ఇంకా చాలానే నేర్చుకున్న మా అమ్మ దగ్గర
    దైర్యం,కేరింగ్, short temper😜, నేర్చుకున్న మా నాన్న దగ్గర.’ miss u నాన్న ‘
    కష్టపడే గుణం, fighting spirit, better గ తనను తాను చేంజ్ చేసుకోవడం, ఇంకా చాలానే ఉన్నాయి (upcoming lo share చేస్తా )ఇవన్నీ నా god చూపిన Nikhila నుంచి నేర్చుకున్న, తన videos నుంచి ఇంకా నేర్చుకుంటా.❤

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