
How the Pandemic Changed Us

Change is inevitable. Every day comes with a change. But how often it happens that the change affects everybody in the same way? Unless there’s a pandemic loose on the world. I think we all can agree that this pandemic changed us. It didn’t give us a chance to warm up to it, an impetuous change. But it definitely changed us in more than one way.

Let’s only focus on the good side for now. Every time I put on some news channel, I hear something sad or atrocious in regard to the pandemic. And it is harder for some people than others. But no change is all bad, at least I hope so. We can find the bright side of it if we look hard for it. So, here and now, I only wanna focus on the good.

How the Pandemic changed us?

To start with, the biggest change of all, we started caring for the environment around us. We grew to love nature more than ever and some even showed in action to contribute to the cause.

Some stopped recklessly throwing garbage in the ocean, while some started tending to their garden. In whatever way we can we are trying. And I genuinely feel there’s a big escalation in home gardens after this pandemic.

There’s also more compassion in us for animals. And quite honestly, even nature is getting back on its feet with a less human touch.

I think that’s wonderful.

pandemic changed us

Secondly, I see people spending more time with families instead of being glued to our screens. I, for one, am with my family always, sometimes a little too much. But somehow being close to our families during this pandemic made us appreciate it even more.

We know the importance of human connections on a different scale now.

Furthermore, with more time on our hands, many started taking action in pursuing the dreams they have put off for so long. And also not to forget, a whole new world of digital careers opened for us. It’s very exciting. It’s like even when the door we knew is closed, we managed to build a new door in no time. More aptly, we made ourselves a lemonade. If that’s not fascinating, I don’t know what is.

writing tools, pandemic changed us

Lastly, we are participating in creative activities more; writing, art, dance, music, etc. I see a lot more virtual workshops now than before, I myself pulled off a few this year. And there’s also a hike in creative small businesses. Every time I open Instagram, I see a lot of young people starting their small businesses and thriving with the aid of social media.

What changes have you observed?

We learned different things in this pandemic. But I’m quite sure we all had a change of perspective on several things that matter. These two years of Pandemic taught us many valuable lessons that will progress our personalities in a fruitful way.

Care to share your observations on how this pandemic changed us?


Much love,


(Penname: Sarvani)

Thanks for reading

2 thoughts on “How the Pandemic Changed Us

  1. Yes, I completely agree with you Nikki, we have all come through this never ending pandemic and are all of us, somewhat more philosophical and have had to seriously adapt to the changes endured by all.

    Who would have thought I would personally be living through a ‘historical event’, not me for sure. This is indeed history in the making but of the worst one can ever imagine, almost on level parr with World War II.

    I have always thought I would write a book but the years are moving quickly now and will have to think fast now so as not to miss the opportunity. The time feels rife to express from within about this pandemic ordeal we have all had to endure the unwelcome burden of.

    I would welcome some feedback here.

    1. Exactly. This is a huge change in everyone’s lives. I’ve had the chance to work on myself and my dreams in these two years. And I’m glad you’re planning to write a book. I encourage you to use this time to give it a serious thought. Actually, I’m creating a platform for writers, so if you are interested you can check out our Facebook group — (writer’s) Creative Inner Circle. We would love to have you there.


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