
My Writing Clock

Every writer has a different kind of writing routine. Some writers like to be guided by their hearts while some like to stick to their plans. I lie somewhere in between. I’m not a fan of rigid rules because creativity comes from freedom. But I also don’t think aimlessly going about your day helps creativity either. You gotta find the middle ground.

My writing clock is something I have worked out in the same manner. Basically, every day is a writing day for me. So all 24 hours of a day is some way or the other way connected to writing.

Do you need a writing clock?

Well, of course, yes — If you are a professional writer. Writing is a creative job but that doesn’t mean you go as and when you like it. I mean, sometimes, even veering off the plan can be a great creative boost. But you shouldn’t make off-routine itself your routine.

I’d love to help you in designing your writing clock. Just check out Write Brained Hub.

Anyway, this is how I go through a writing day — Who am I kidding, every day is one and I LOVE IT.

writing clock

My Writing Clock

I wake up around 8-ish. I take a few minutes to wake completely and then I get ready for the day. The work starts around 9:30-ish.

See how I say ish for every time. If I say 10 or 11 and let’s say I’m 2 minutes late for that, I might wait for another hour so I can start at the perfect hour. And it’s a huge waste of time.

Then I start writing right away if it’s blog days. Or I go and categorize my tasks by priority basis and get around one by one. Every day, I also make it a rule to do something that can be a potential input for my writing — For eg, reading a book, enroling in a course, talking to another writer, surfing through internet learning new writing techniques, etc.

This activity helps stay in my element and in ideation.

Later, I go ahead and do something relaxing. Maybe netflix or just a nap. I don’t wanna burn myself out running after what has to done. It’s not a good thing to my writer.

During night times, before sleeping, I will have my thinking time. I imagine several scenarios, alternate endings to the stories I read, or building castles in the air.

If you have observed my writing clock, I have concentrated on which tasks to be done rather than at which time.

Take your sweet time and get things done one at a time — unless you have a deadline to meet. I also have a socials strategy in place so I don’t get overwhelmed by all the things that need my attention. It happens, know, when you have so many things to do and in so little time, you might get overpowered at times.

One final thing:

We have our good days and bad days as people, not as writers. So when you’re having though time, don’t blame it all on writing career. It might just be one of those days where you’re feeling bad for no reason. And even if writing happens to be a reason any day, it gets better when you right certain things.

I’d be happy to help if you need someone to talk to. Catch up with me at Write Brained Hub.

writing clock

I’ll see you soon again.


Lots of LOVE,


(Penname: Sarvani)

Thanks for reading

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