Morning Pages: The Roots of Your Success

It’s a beautiful morning. But it also happens to be one of those deep thinking days. The clock hasn’t even struck my usual wakeup hour and I’m already up thinking. What am I thinking? Well, even I wasn’t sure. Many things lighted up but I kept coming back to this one thought in a loop. How people are ignorant of the work and sleepless nights that go behind someone’s success and conclude they simply lucked out. One thought led to another and this is where I stopped. The law of the Universe is simple: Growth is in quietness and destruction is in noise.


A seed grows its roots in quietness

The Sun rises in silence

A soft, fluffy cloud blocks out the sun in hush

A rainbow glows softly in tranquillity

On the contrary, a cut down huge tree falls to the ground with a loud thud.

A cloud thunders with an uproar

A volcano bursts with a scream.

People might think you’re not growing but deep down you are. They might think you’re stuck, nevertheless, you’re planting your roots strong.

Your failures, as you think are not weeds in your garden. They are your roots. Your success will rise from these very roots. The stronger the roots, the bigger the growth.

Your failures develop you from within, much like a seed planted under the ground. We believe only what we see so people might not know it. But you do. You know very well what is happening within yourself.

What we usually refer to as failures are actually not failures. They are our building blocks. To complete your construction, you need those blocks. They are the experiences that shape you, that educate you, and that enhance you.

It’s not easy as it’s said. I know. I second-guessed myself multiple times as I’m writing this. And I also know this for sure that I’m gonna second-guess many more times from here. But what’s important is that regardless of the doubts I have I’m gonna push through. I know I’ve been through a lot of experiences, some I like and some I don’t. Nonetheless, they are mine.

I fell, I stood back up, I grazed myself, I healed, I battled, I compromised, I loved, I hated, and I moved on holding each experience as a jewel to sit on my crown.

Unless you want your success to be fleeting like the rising and falling tides of an ocean, be forbearing with your inner growth. Everything will follow eventually.

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Much Love,


(Penname: Sarvani)

Nikki: Hello, my name is Nikhila Chalamalasetty. I'm a tax major turned lifestyle blogger. Fashion-lover. Motivator. Influencer. Content creator.
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