Categories: Health

A Wholesome Yoga Guide for Newbies: 6 Elementary Poses to get started

We live in a fast-paced world today, which just adds up to the stress. If you often find yourself surrounded by anxiety, panic attacks or insomnia, the classic signs of stress, sign yourself up for yoga for beginners. Yoga is a peaceful exercise where a series of movements done in a quiet space strengthens your body, mind and soul. 

Yoga involves a lot of stretching and bending. But you don’t need to hesitate if you don’t have flexibility just yet because you can begin with yoga for beginners. There is a lot of yoga for beginners classes being conducted both online and offline, which will give you a glimpse into the world of yoga, encouraging you to take your journey towards uniting your body, mind and soul ahead. 

Yoga boasts of a lot of tedious poses, but since you’re naive to the concept, yoga for beginners is ideal for you. Yoga for beginners comprises a lot of comfortable positions that you can begin with. As a beginner, we give you a quick glimpse of the primary and easy-to-do poses.

How to begin Yoga?

Yoga Guide

Easy pose:

As the name suggests, this is one of the easiest Yoga poses. Just sit on the floor, crossing your shins and slip each foot under the opposite knee. Rest your hands on the knee as you breathe in and out. This pose stretches your hips and groin and strengthens your back.

Child’s pose:

This pose does justice to its name because even a child can perform it. Kneel on the yoga mat and bend forward, with your arms stretched out and resting your forehead on the floor. This pose calms your nervous system and strengthens your back, arms and hips.

Tree pose:

Stand with your hips wide apart and bring your balance to the right foot while placing your left foot on your right thigh. Keep your legs straight and fold your arms in a prayer position. This pose improves balance.

Downward facing dog:

Start on all fours and put your hands on the floor, your knees under your hips and tuck your toes and lift your hips towards the ceiling. This pose strengthens your arms, legs and abdominal muscles.

Warrior two:

Stand straight and place your feet 4 feet apart. Turn your right foot out 90 degrees and your left foot inward towards your body. Bend your right knee and raise your arms parallel to the floor and look out over your right hand while trying to balance the weight on both legs equally. This position will improve your balance.

Low lunge:

From the downward dog pose, step your right foot between your hands. Lower your left knee and calf to the floor, pointing your toes and raise your arms alongside your ears. The low lunge stretches your chest, shoulders and hamstrings. 

There you go!

Our best Yoga guide to try if you are a beginner in yoga. Just make sure you wear comfortable clothes such as a cotton T-shirt and leggings to aid your workout. Practice yoga in a quiet place on a yoga mat, making the practise even more effective.


Nikki: Hello, my name is Nikhila Chalamalasetty. I'm a tax major turned lifestyle blogger. Fashion-lover. Motivator. Influencer. Content creator.
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