Turn your Monday blues to ecstasies

Honestly, I don’t dread Mondays as much as I hear from people, maybe because I work as per my own will and wish. But since I hear about Monday blues so often I thought I should try to help you a little, if you are the one.

I’m listing several things here that I think will work great to kick off your Monday blues. Choose what works best for you and keep doing it for 30 days without any breaks. Then you will start seeing some wonderful results.

Most of the things I suggest here don’t take you more than a minute, so don’t bother giving your cliche excuse that you don’t have time.

Let’s now see how to tackle your Monday blues.

1. Start with a good talk

Any day, any activity, the right start is super important. How many of you take a couple of minutes to think about yourself when you wake up?

It’s a very powerful way to start your Mondays, in fact, any day.

2. How can you make it a good day?

Consider this as an extension to the first point. When you take those initial moments of the day, think about what makes that day a good one. What can you do to make it happen?

This is simply giving yourself a mission to have a good day.

3. 10-second smile rule

Have you ever seen your own smile intently? How your lips curve when you smile, how your eyes lit up when you smile from your heart, or how you feel inside when you see yourself smile heart fully.

Look at your smile for 10 seconds in the morning and think about how to keep that beautiful smile with you all day. Trust me, you will fall in love with yourself undoubtedly.

4. Begin with a meaningful work

Many of us want to finish the easy ones first and then get to the complex/important ones. We think it’s the best way and that is how we will have a peaceful day at work. But I learned it’s the opposite actually.

Easy work may take less time but they also give you less satisfaction apparently. So always start your day with meaningful or rather important work.

That will keep you alert and productive.

5. Exercise

Physical activity not just energizes you physically but also mentally. You may or may not have the habit to exercise but a little bit of activity can keep your Monday blues at arm’s length.

You don’t necessarily have to work out for an hour, just do a set of 10 jumping jacks when you wake up. And that’s all. I won’t ask more than that.

6. Wake up in time

How does your Monday begin every week? Do you wake up late and rush off to work? Don’t do that. If you start your day in a rush, you have to be in rush all day and it is exhausting.

So if you have to go to work at 10 am, wake up at 8. Be early so you can be calm and relaxed.

7. What’s your power pose?

I get confident when I cross my legs. What is that posture that boosts your confidence and power? Do it in front of a mirror and show yourself how powerful you look.

8. Music therapy

This is what we usually do when we are upset to better our bad mood. But this time use it to better our good mood as well. Music is an excellent way to make ourselves feel great.

9. Go out and see the world

When we see the big world outside our doors, our minds open up to new possibilities and energies. It is a great way to get a broader perspective.

Whenever I’m outdoors I feel I can do more, I feel I have more opportunities. Isn’t that a good feeling?

10. Don’t skip your breakfast

I skip my breakfast often and I’m not proud of it. It is something I should surely change. But it’s ok, I’m on it. You don’t make the same mistake I do.

Empty stomach, grumpy mind. 

So have your breakfast daily.

I hope you will consider my words and keep your Mondays ecstatic.

I’ll see you again.


Lots of LOVE,


Thanks for your time

Nikki: Hello, my name is Nikhila Chalamalasetty. I'm a tax major turned lifestyle blogger. Fashion-lover. Motivator. Influencer. Content creator.
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