7 Ways to Use Social Media for Personal Development

Social Media is not just about loitering around in virtual spaces sneaking peeks into others’ lives. At least it doesn’t have to be the only thing about it. There are many positive angles to social media. We often overlook it but social media is a brilliant tool for personal development.

It’s not only about showing off your rainbows and unicorns. Social media can be used for personal enrichment as well. If you think about it, you will find your own way around it. But I’m just going to share what I think is quite helpful about social media.

Let’s begin.

How Social Media Helps Personal Development

Bear in mind that everything I share in this article is from my own experience. I have seen all these things enhance me as an individual.

That proves if used in the right way Social Media has the potential to bring a lot of good betterments in an individual.

1. Network building

At first, I was blind to this angle of social media. Like everyone, I was also just concerned about the follows and likes that doesn’t add much value to what I’m doing. But this year, I realized how incredibly potential social media is in building our professional network.

LinkedIn and Twitter and the best for this. I have created many connections in the past month alone that I have gained so much confidence in myself.

2. Communication Skills

Speaking and listening are the skills everyone needs to master. A major part of good communications. In recent times, social audio has come into the picture that changed the dynamics of social media. Truly, it is a much better way to communicate rather than a simple text.

Twitter Spaces and Clubhouse are ruling this social audio space.

3. Writing Skills

Whatever line of work you’re in, writing is going to help you so much. It is not just a bunch of words, it is an art of persuasion. And social media can help you with that.

You being active on social media doesn’t have to be casual and non-sense. You can use it to enhance your writing/other skills.

4. Up-to-date Information

You will be informed of all the trends happening around the globe. You can take advantage of those trends for your good. For instance, when the TikTok trend came like a wave people quickly grabbed that opportunity to monetize their short-form videos.

Now we have a short-form video option in every platform you can think of — Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, etc.

5. Career advancement

Your career is no more only offline. Things drifted from completely offline to mostly online. So being on social media can give your career a boost. You might be an engineer, doctor, actor, or writer, you can use social media to enhance your career.

6. Confidence boost

The more you interact with others, the more confident you become. Online interactions can be nerve-racking as real-life. But you can take small steps, like one post at a time, and that will gradually boost your confidence.

7. Online Careers

Now careers are branched into two categories — Offline and online. Frankly, even offline careers have so much to do with the Internet/social media. If looked well, within no time, one can find their dream job.

LinkedIn is perfect for that. You can even reach out/connect with recruiters and understand their preferences. You can build your resume/CV according to your research and in no time, you’ll land your perfect job.

And finally, also take occasional breaks from social media to stay sane. That is also personal development. Hope you like what I shared. I’ll see you soon again.




Thanks for reading

Nikki: Hello, my name is Nikhila Chalamalasetty. I'm a tax major turned lifestyle blogger. Fashion-lover. Motivator. Influencer. Content creator.
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