7 Innermost thoughts from my Personal Journal

This blog, right here, is one of my journals. I share many of my thoughts and observations here, but I also have a paper journal. Although I love my blog, I find paper journaling more therapeutic than writing digitally. I write my most intimate thoughts, feelings, and emotions there, and also occasional emotional downpours. And from that very personal journal of mine, I found a few pieces of writings that I think are worth sharing.

1. Gratefulness

Grateful for the stumbling blocks.

When I was young, I was really grateful and proud of the wins, prizes, and praises that lift me up to the sky.

But with age and wisdom, I’ve come to appreciate the stumbling blocks that led to those tiny and big wins, simple and grand rewards, and significant and insignificant compliments.

The journey seems more salient than the destination.

Thank you.

2. Magic

I write my own quotes. Rather than listening from someone else, If I listen to myself it’d be easier to believe. Right? It has a significant influence on your mindset.

When you look for it, you ought to find it. And that, my friend, is the magic.

3. Why?

I ask myself this question a lot – why? I know there are many people more talented than me, many who are more hardworking than me but why I received the opportunities that I got. Since I know there’s a reason behind everyone’s success, I want to find mine. And this is the answer I found.

I got opportunities because I’m ready even when I’m actually not.

4. Who?

Maintaining a personal journal, the whole activity of writing gives an insight not just into myself but also about the people I’m surrounded with. People and their acts can make or break us. So I write to differentiate my people from the black sheep.

All enemies are simply obsessive admirers.

5. How?

We, humans, have a very bad habit of analyzing and questioning everything. Of course, that helps sometimes but you should know when it’s too much. Ever heard of decision fatigue? It’s good to just trust and go with the flow sometimes.

If you look too much into logic you will lose the magic.

6. A haiku poem

I imagine happy things. Imagination is wonderful and you wouldn’t understand how a simple figment of imagination can help your mood unless you’ve experienced it yourself.

The water babbles

and I dabble and dabble.

A moment of bliss.

7. Affirmative

I don’t understand many things and I’d also like it to be that way in some cases – Ignorance is bliss. But in reality, lack of understanding creates frustration and anger. And to prevent that from happening I affirm something positive, like this, every often. It helps me to trust in good even when I’m unaware and confused.

The universe has a bizarre way of surprising you. Be patient.

And concluding this with an ‘insight’ from my personal journal.

Sometimes when I’m writing about the things I want or the future I want to create, I find myself describing what I already have. In this moment. That made me appreciate the time I’m living in the present.

This is something one cannot relate to or replicate when taught, one has to find that feeling by themselves. Only then you can truly understand what it is.

With that, I’m at the end of my train of thought. I hope you found something valuable by reading this. Thank you for your time and I’ll see you soon again.


Lots of LOVE,


(Penname: Sarvani)

Nikki: Hello, my name is Nikhila Chalamalasetty. I'm a tax major turned lifestyle blogger. Fashion-lover. Motivator. Influencer. Content creator.
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