15 Cosy Reading Corners To Die For & How To Make Your Own

I love reading books!

The truth is I enjoy the way I read them more than the reading itself. You know, things like where I’m reading, things around me, and the overall vibe. I like to have aroma candles, a snuggly duvet, fresh bedsheets, or even perhaps some flowers. Of course, with a good book.

Quite a fantasy, right?

I love a place that is put together neatly. Just like a place that came alive out of a movie or something.

Though I’m quite certain that I’m not alone here. It is a dream to every reader. No one wants to read sitting in a mess, duh!

So, I did some browsing and found some gorgeous reading corners. I may not have them all but I should share them all. (Yes, I spend time finding beautiful places for no reason and fantasise about them.)

Anyway, are you ready to have a peek into my gallery?

Gorgeous, aren’t they?

These ideas may even help you to oomph up your home decor.

Inspired to create your own cosy reading corner?

To create one like these reading corners, you need some planning, of course. Just to help a bit, some things you can use to accessorise your reading corners are fluffy pillows, throw rugs, snuggly comforters, aroma candles, funky posters, indoor plants, and such. Basically, anything that makes you feel comfortable and happy.

It is particularly difficult to DIY a reading corner in apartments, but not impossible. You just really have to look and find the perfect spot and then make some clever tweaks to it. That is all. You can pick a corner in your bedroom or in the living room or even better, your balcony. Pinterest might be of some help here.

And don’t think you can only have one reading corner. If you wish, you can even make multiple reading spots with unique vibes and have a perfect reading time every single time.

Creating reading corners as such will surely take a lot of time and work yet it is so satisfying afterwards. Especially, if you are a writer, you must have one of these. (You’ll thank me, for sure.)

So what do you say? Which one is your favourite? Drop a comment and let me know.

Mine is surely the hammock one. I’ll choose outdoors any day.

(No worries, I’ll try to manifest it. Haha)







Nikki: Hello, my name is Nikhila Chalamalasetty. I'm a tax major turned lifestyle blogger. Fashion-lover. Motivator. Influencer. Content creator.
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