Categories: Beauty

11 Cruelty-Free Brands For Your Beauty Care

I love bunnies. So do puppies. And all animals, basically. They are sweet, gentle, and sometimes, even thoughtful. We’ve seen many viral videos where animals did the sweetest things and we were stunned. They are living beings, not some experimental objects. We all love animals but we forget that when we’re shopping. Because we haven’t seen what happens to those poor animals inside those cosmetic labs. So here’s a bit of advice; Go follow PETA on Instagram. Their posts will open your eyes to a whole new world.

Okay, apart from the preachy-preach stuff, let’s talk practicality.

What can we do to stop this?

If I’m being genuine, I don’t think it’s possible to completely put and to it because there will always be people who think it’s okay to do it. But we can bring it to a bare minimum with a consistent and united effort.

The cosmetics industry is a cash cow. A lot of business and money. Because there’s so much at stake, some companies may be willing to go to the extremes.

While we cannot control their every move, we, as their customer, can still influence the decisions a business takes. Whenever we purchase a non-cruelty-free product, the message we’re sending the business is this — We are okay with animal testing.

On the contrary, if we stop purchasing a product because they are not cruelty-free, companies will consider stopping animal testing as they don’t want to lose their customers.

So remember to always prefer a cruelty-free product over a regular one. When it can be seen as a potential advantage, businesses will be compelled to refrain from animal testing.

Now, a more important question; How do you find cruelty-free brands?

It’s not so difficult. We have internet. Still, let me tell you the shortcuts.

  1. A product will have a bunny symbol on the back if it is cruelty-free. That is one way to find it.
  2. Another way is to research your favourite brands on PETA. You can search for a particular brand and learn if it’s cruelty-free or vegan or neither.
  3. And, you can also check a brand’s official website. They will talk about their brand, intentions, and products on the about page.

11 Cruelty-Free Brands

For now, I have a list of 11 brands that are against animal testing. If you are already using any of these, you can happily continue. Or else, you can swap your current products with one of these.

1. The Body Shop

2. Wet n Wild

3. Urban Decay

4. Smashbox

5. Elf

6. Giovanni

7. Too Faced

8. Bumble and bumble

9. Mama Earth

10. Kama Ayurveda

11. Dot & Key Skincare


Only to name a few. There are hundreds of cruelty-free brands out there. Take your time, do your research, and then make a wise purchase. As a customer, you have the power to make a decision and it matters.

So, I hope you have enough information about cruelty-free brands now. If you have more questions, drop them in the comments. I’ll be happy to answer.

I’ll see you soon again.




Thanks for reading

Nikki: Hello, my name is Nikhila Chalamalasetty. I'm a tax major turned lifestyle blogger. Fashion-lover. Motivator. Influencer. Content creator.
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