101 Blessings of Life

Look on the bright side, look on the bright side. But if I really look on the bright side, how many blessings of life can I find out? I have this thought as I was trying to sleep last night. As soon as I woke up today, I started counting the blessings of life. In a few hours, I figured out 101 blessings. I was astonished that if a few hours could make this, how long this list of blessings would be if we could spend every day counting our blessings.

Interesting, right?

Blessings of Life

1. To love and be loved.

2. To be able to laugh.

3. To know that you have enough and you are enough.

4. To be able to give. Let it be love, kindness or some help.

5. Just so, to be able to receive.

6. To have someone you can lean on.

7. To be able to imagine.

8. To be kind.

9. To be appreciated for the tiniest things you did.

10. To be able to forget things that hurt you.

11. Though you were hurt, not letting it turn you bitter.

12. Having a second chance.

13. To be able to let go.

14. To be able to hold on.

15. To know someone is waiting for you.

16. To have someone that believes in you.

17. To have the strength to do the right thing.

18. To be able to differentiate between good and bad.

19. Traveling and seeing beautiful places.

20. To know you are protected, and very much cherished.

21. To be able to hear someone say, ‘I LOVE YOU.’

22. Knowing someone’s silent prayers are with you.

23. To have one true friend who you can count on.

24. To be able to show the real YOU to the world.

25. Knowing that there is always a possibility to correct your mistake.

26. Having someone guide you towards the right path.

27. Having a family that wishes nothing but good for you.

28. Doing what you love.

29. Loving what you do.

30. Being hopeful.

31. To be able to satisfy your hunger for success.

32. To be able to learn and stay grounded.

33. Having a shoulder to cry on.

34. To be able to cater to someone’s needs.

35. To be confident about yourself.

36. Knowing what matters and what does not.

37. To have someone that understands you.

38. Helping someone through their hard times.

39. To be able to speak your mind.

40. Having someone that listens to you.

41. To have patience.

42. To be the reason for someone’s happiness.

43. And, to have someone share and double YOUR happiness.

44. To have a dream.

45. To have the power to smile even when you are sad.

46. To take a step forward even when you are scared.

47. To have someone holding an umbrella for you when you are rained on.

48. To be optimistic.

49. To be mattered. To feel important.

50. To be able to move on from your past.

51. To be able to empathize with someone’s hurt.

52. To have someone you can share a meal with.

53. To not be jealous of someone’s well-doings.

55. To be able to forgive.

56. To be able to look past one’s shortcomings.

57. To be able to cook for someone.

58. To love and appreciate yourself.

59. To be able to ASK for what you need.

60. To be able to step back when needed.

61. To be able to receive a good education.

62. Having the will to help yourself.

63. To have the courage to fight.

64. To be able to self-assess your actions.

65. Not giving up.

66. Being contented.

67. Being healthy.

68. Having challenges that help you grow.

69. Being sad that help you realize the worth of happiness.

70. Being scared that helps you fight for what you want.

71. Being able to make your parents proud.

72. To have the motivation to overcome your fears.

73. Having a home or any place that feels like home.

74. To have a good teacher.

75. Knowing every day is an opportunity.

76. Being able to eat good food.

77. Realizing the worth of people around you.

78. Being able to follow your dream.

79. Utilizing an opportunity.

80. Knowing you can be silly at times, being strong always isn’t needed.

81. Being able to receive everything that nature has to offer.

82. Being able to spread love.

83. Being mentally strong.

84. Being young.

85. Growing old with experience and wisdom to share with the younger generation.

86. To have a purpose.

87. Hobbies that excite you.

88. Tears that help you let out the unspoken sadness.

89. Strangers kindness for making your day better when it’s least expected.

90. To be able to sleep peacefully.

91. Having someone call randomly and ask how you were doing.

92. Healing time.

93. Being different. Unique.

94. To have responsibilities.

95. Heartbreaks that help you in many unnoticed ways.

96. Being curious to thrive.

97. Failures that get you closer to success.

98. Hugs that help breathe and relax when in distress.

99. Mistakes that teach you what is right.

100. Being able to pray.

101. Finally, LIFE itself is a big blessing.

These are just a few blessings I could think of but I’m pretty sure if we can look closely, we can find hundreds of blessings to smile and live well without regrets. What do you consider is the biggest blessing in your life? Let me know in the comments section below.

I’ll see you soon again!

Lots of LOVE,


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Nikki: Hello, my name is Nikhila Chalamalasetty. I'm a tax major turned lifestyle blogger. Fashion-lover. Motivator. Influencer. Content creator.
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